Error codes
Here are all Bayou's error codes
API Error Codes
Developer makes a request for customer bills with an account_number that doesn’t exist in their workspace
Related to the following API calls:
http code 404
"error_type": "invalid_request",
"error_code": "bill_account_number_invalid",
"error_message": "The account_number you provided in the request either does not exist for this customer or has no bills. This customer has the following account_numbers with bills <account_numbers>",
"docs_url": ""
Developer makes a request for a bill with an id that doesn’t exist in their workspace
Related to the following API calls:
http code 404
"error_type": “invalid_request”,
"error_code": “bill_id_invalid”,
”error_message”: “The bill_id you provided in the request does not exist.”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer makes a request for a bill with an id that is not a valid integer
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “bill_id_invalid_format”,
”error_message”: “The bill_id you provided in the request is not a valid integer.”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer makes a request for customer bills with a meter_id that doesn’t exist in their workspace
Related to the following API calls:
http code 404
"error_type": "invalid_request",
"error_code": "bill_meter_id_invalid",
"error_message": "The meter_id you provided in the request either does not exist for this customer or has no bills. This customer has the following meters with bills <meter_ids>",
"docs_url": ""
Developer creates or updates a customer with an invalid format for address_line_1
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “customer_address_line_1_invalid”,
”error_message”: “The request you provided has the address_line_1 field improperly formatted. The address_line_1 field must be a string and no more than 30 characters.”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer creates or updates a customer with an invalid format for address_line_2
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “customer_address_line_2_invalid”,
”error_message”: “The request you provided has the address_line_2 field improperly formatted. The address_line_2 field must be a string and no more than 30 characters.”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer creates or updates a customer with an invalid format for the city field
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “customer_city_invalid”,
”error_message”: “The request you provided has the city field improperly formatted. The city field must be a string and no more than 30 characters.”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer creates or updates a customer with an invalid email format
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “customer_email_invalid”,
”error_message”: “The request you provided has the email field improperly formatted. An email must be a string, include an “@” and “.” symbol, and be no more than 320 characters”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer creates or updates a customer with an invalid format for the first name
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “customer_first_name_invalid”,
”error_message”: “The request you provided has the first_name field improperly formatted. The first_name field must be a string and no more than 30 characters”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer makes an API request with a customer_id that doesn’t exist in their workspace
Related to the following API calls:
- Retrieves a customer account
- Updates a customer account
- Uploads a new bill to parse it
- Retrieves the customer account bills
- Retrieves the list of intervals for that customer
http code 404
"error_type": “invalid_request”,
"error_code": “customer_id_invalid”,
”error_message”: “The customer_id you provided in the request does not exist.”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer makes an API request with a customer_id that is not a valid integer
Related to the following API calls:
- Retrieves a customer account
- Updates a customer account
- Uploads a new bill to parse it
- Retrieves the customer account bills
- Retrieves the list of intervals for that customer
http code 400
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “customer_id_invalid_format”,
”error_message”: “The customer_id you provided in the request is not a valid integer.”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer creates or updates a customer with an invalid format for the last name
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “customer_last_name_invalid”,
”error_message”: “The request you provided has the last_name field improperly formatted. The last_name field must be a string and no more than 30 characters”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer creates or updates a customer with an invalid format for the phone number
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “customer_phone_number_invalid”,
”error_message”: “The request you provided has the phone_number field improperly formatted. The phone_number field must be a string and no more than 30 characters”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer creates or updates a customer with an invalid format for the state field
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “customer_state_invalid”,
”error_message”: “The request you provided has the state field improperly formatted. The state field must be a two letter abbreviation in a string format or null. The state codes can be found here:”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer creates or updates a customer with an invalid format for the zip code
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “customer_zipcode_invalid”,
”error_message”: “The request you provided has the zipcode field improperly formatted. The zipcode field must be a string and no more than 30 characters”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer makes a request for customer bills with an end date that comes before the start date
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": "invalid_input",
"error_code": "dates_out_of_order",
"error_message": "The end date chronologically comes before the start date in your request."
"docs_url": ""
Developer makes a request for customer bills with an invalid format for the end date
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": "invalid_input",
"error_code": "end_date_invalid",
"error_message": "The end date is in an invalid format. An example of a valid format is 2022-11-01."
"docs_url": ""
Developer makes a request for intervals with an invalid format for the end timestamp
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “end_timestamp_invalid”,
”error_message”: “The end timestamp is in an invalid format. An example of a valid format is 2022-11-01T00:00:00Z.”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer submits API call with external ID that doesn’t exist in their workspace
Related to the following API calls:
- Retrieves a specific customer account
- Updates a customer account
- Retrieves a specific utility bill
- Retrieves the customer account bills
- Updates a specific utility bill
- Unlocks a specific utility bill
- Retrieves the list of intervals for that customer
http code 404
"error_type": “invalid_request”,
"error_code": “external_id_invalid”,
”error_message”: “The external_id you provided in the request does not exist.”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer submits API call with external ID that is not a valid integer.
Related to the following API calls:
- Creates a new customer
- Retrieves a specific customer account
- Updates a customer account
- Uploads a new bill for parsing
- Retrieves a specific utility bill
- Retrieves the customer account bills
- Updates a specific utility bill
- Unlocks a specific utility bill
- Retrieves the list of intervals for that customer
http code 400
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “external_id_invalid_format”,
”error_message”: “The external_id you provided in the request is not a valid integer.”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer submits API call with external ID that already exists
Related to the following API calls:
- Creates a new customer account
- Updates a customer account
- Uploads a new bill to parse it
- Updates a specific utility bill
http code 409
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “external_id_not_unique”,
”error_message”: “The external_id you provided in the request isn’t unique and belongs to <insert other record it belongs to>.”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer makes a request for an interval with a meter_id that doesn’t exist in their workspace
Related to the following API calls:
http code 404
"error_type": “invalid_request”,
"error_code": “interval_meter_id_invalid”,
”error_message”: “The meter_id you provided in the request either does not exist for this customer or has no intervals. This customer has the following meters with interval data: <meter_ids>”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer makes a request for customer bills with an invalid format for the bill limit
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": "invalid_input",
"error_code": "limit_invalid",
"error_message": "The request you provided has the limit field improperly formatted. The limit must be an integer formatted as a string (ie 1, 2, 12, 24)",
"docs_url": ""
Developer makes an API request (<rest_of_request>) with a valid url but the specific method is not allowed
http code 405
"error_type": "invalid_request",
"error_code": "method_not_allowed",
"error_message": "The method <request_method> is not allowed for this endpoint. The allowed methods are <allowed_methods>",
"docs_url": ""
Developer uploads a bill but doesn’t include any file
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “no_file_provided”,
”error_message”: “No file was provided in your request to post a bill.”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer makes an API request (<rest_of_request>) with a url that doesn’t match any of our existing routes
http code 404
"error_type": “invalid_request”,
"error_code": “request_path_invalid”,
”error_message”: “The requested route cannot be found. Refer to Bayou’s documentation for available API requests.”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer makes a request for customer bills with an invalid format for the start date
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": "invalid_input",
"error_code": "end_date_invalid",
"error_message": "The start date is in an invalid format. An example of a valid format is 2022-11-01.",
"docs_url": ""
Developer makes a request for intervals with an invalid format for the start timestamp
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “start_timestamp_invalid”,
”error_message”: “The start timestamp is in an invalid format. An example of a valid format is 2022-11-01T00:00:00Z.”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer makes a request for intervals with an end timestamp that comes before the start timestamp
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “timestamps_out_of_order”,
”error_message”: “The end timestamp chronologically comes before the start timestamp in your request.”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer uploads a bill but the file type isn’t supported
Related to the following API calls:
http code 415
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “unsupported_file_format”,
”error_message”: “The file you provided is not in a format we support. PDF’s are the only format supported right now.”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer creates or updates a customer with an invalid utility code
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “utility_code_input_invalid”,
”error_message”: “The utility code you provided in the request is invalid. Did you mean <alternate_valid_utility_code>? A full list of utility codes can be found here:”,
”docs_url”: “”
Developer makes a request for intervals with a utility that doesn’t have interval data
Related to the following API calls:
http code 400
"error_type": “invalid_input”,
"error_code": “utility_lacks_intervals”,
”error_message”: “This customer’s utility doesn’t have interval data. View utility support here:”,
”docs_url”: “”
Updated 3 months ago