Bill data
Bayou provides electric and gas data from a customer’s utility bills instantly, defined as within 60 seconds or less. The data provided includes:
- Dates: The date the bill was issued by the utility and also the start and end dates for each meter’s consumption on the bill
- Electric and gas consumption: Bill and meter level consumption of electricity (in watt-hours) and gas (therms or CCF). Meter level consumption quantities are checked against bill totals for both electricity and gas to ensure data quality.
- Financial amounts: The total amount due on a bill as well the outstanding balance from before the bill, electricity and gas charges. Electricity sub charges today include delivery, supply and community solar bill credits.
- Account numbers, meters and tariffs: The utility account number and all meter ID’s on a bill. A meter’s tariff name is included in addition to meter consumption and its dates of consumption.
- Bill PDF: A link to the PDF of the utility bill
View more detail in the /bills endpoint section of the API reference:
Here is a sample response from the get bill by id endpoint:
"external_id": "BILL_123",
"id": 12345,
"status": "unlocked",
"customer_id": 12345,
"customer_external_id": "MSCOTT123",
"billed_on": "2022-08-01",
"outstanding_balance": 1200,
"billing_period_from": "2022-07-01",
"billing_period_to": "2022-07-31",
"utility": "con_edison",
"account_number": 123456,
"electricity_consumption": 900,
"electricity_amount": 9060,
"delivery_charge": 5060,
"supply_charge": 4000,
"community_solar_bill_credit": -6440,
"gas_consumption": 90,
"gas_consumption_unit": "therms",
"gas_amount": 2940,
"total_amount": 12000,
"meters": [
"id": "XYZ12345",
"type": "gas",
"billing_period_from": "2022-07-01",
"billing_period_to": "2022-07-31",
"consumption": 12345,
"tariff": "123 Residential",
"address": {
"line_1": "123 Main St",
"line_2": "Apt 1",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY",
"postal_code": 10001,
"postal_code_suffix": 1234,
"country": "US"
"additional_attributes": {
"electric_choice_id": 123456789
"file_url": ""
Note: The additional attributes field will vary by utility. It provides additional unique identifiers that are utility specific. For a list of utilities and their specific additional_attributes, view utility specific notes
Updated 5 months ago
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