Pricing overview


The pricing for Bayou’s Data product is $2 per meter per utility bill. Examples are given below to further explain the product pricing:

Utility bill scenarioElectric metersGas metersTotal meters on billTotal cost
Scenario 1101$2
Scenario 2011$2
Scenario 3112$4
Scenario 4325$10

Companies can control what meters they have access to data from on every bill, called unlocked data.


Across Bayou's production and staging environments, companies are only charged for the meter data they unlock, (called “Bayou bills” for simplicity below).

Utility bill scenarioElectric metersUnlocked electric metersGas metersUnlocked gas metersTotal meters on billTotal Bayou billsTotal cost
Scenario 1110011$2
Scenario 2001010$0
Scenario 3111021$2
Scenario 4322153$6

How Bayou invoices companies for product usage

Bayou typically sends invoices within the first seven calendar days of each calendar month for the previous month's usage. As an example, companies will receive an invoice from Bayou for their July usage on ~ August 7th. Each invoice will contain a detailed breakdown of all usage from the invoicing period.